Decibel is an action thriller that follows a terrorist (played by Lee Jong Suk), who wants to take over the city with a special bomb that explodes when it detects a certain level of noise, and a former Navy commander (Kim Rae Won), who becomes the target of the terrorist threat. The main poster has a red line glowing in front of Lee Jong Suk and Kim Rae Won, along with the text that read, ŌĆ£It explodes when it exceeds 100dB.ŌĆØ Those red lines tease that the situation is like a tinderbox about to explode anytime.┬Ā Kim Rae Won, the former naval deputy commander who became the target of a terrorist threat, is seen clenching his fists tightly in a bomb vest. Bomb architect Lee Jong Suk, who is a Mensa member and Navy captain, is looking stern with a detonator in his hand.┬Ā The picture also has Jung Sang Hoon, a special reporter who was sent to cover the incident while cooperating with Kim Rae Won, and Park Byeong Eun. Park Byeong Eun stars as a Defense Security Support Command agent┬Āwho pursues the truth surrounding the incident.┬Ā The heightening tension among the one trying to prevent the bomb from exploding in the city, the one trying to occupy the city center and those who pursue the truth about the incident further raises curiosity about the upcoming movie.┬Ā Decibel will hit theaters on November 16th. Source: Mindmark

 Decibel  Drops Its Suspenseful Main Poster Featuring Lee Jong Suk  Kim Rae Won and More - 37 Decibel  Drops Its Suspenseful Main Poster Featuring Lee Jong Suk  Kim Rae Won and More - 90