Decibel is an action thriller that follows a terrorist (played by Lee Jong Suk), who wants to take over the city with a special bomb that explodes when detecting a certain level of noise, and a former Navy commander (Kim Rae Won), who becomes the target of the terrorist threat. One of the pictures features Kim Rae Won as the former Navy commander who has become the target of terrorist attacks, looking frozen in fear on the phone. The photo hints at the looming threat that will destroy the city. Another shot features Lee Jong Suk as the bombŌĆÖs architect, who is also a Mensa member. Curiosity arises about what will happen next as he holds the detonator in his fist, wearing a suicide vest. Jung Sang Hoon┬Āadds to the tension in the yet-unveiled story as a special reporter who was sent to cover the incident that may happen in the city while working closely with the former Navy commander. Other photos show a Defense Security Support Command agent (Park Byeong Eun) pursuing the bomber and a Navy engineer specialized in submarine sound and vibration (Cha Eun Woo) keeping his cool amid rising tension. Viewers are eager to see what will happen between these characters with the looming terror attack in the city. Decibel will hit the theaters on November 16th. Source: Mindmark

   Decibel    Drops New Pictures of Lee Jong Suk  Kim Rae Won and Cha Eun Woo - 93   Decibel    Drops New Pictures of Lee Jong Suk  Kim Rae Won and Cha Eun Woo - 69