Based on a webtoon, the series revolves around Lee Dam (Hyeri), a 22-year-old college student, and a mysterious nine-tailed fox Shin Woo Yeo(Jang Ki Yong). In it, she begins to live with a 999-year-old fox, Shin Woo Yeo, after inadvertently swallowing his mysterious marble.

The teaser shows Hyeri and Jang Ki Yong in their characters as they begin their awkward ice breaker. When Lee Dam asks for Shin Woo Yeo to introduce himself, he answers, ŌĆ£I was born in the year of 1022 during the Goryu Dynasty,ŌĆØ which gives her a shock. Soon, Lee Dam comes up with a name to call Shin Woo Yeo. ŌĆ£What if I call you ŌĆśHalmihoŌĆÖ because technically, you are a granny fox,ŌĆØ she suggests. However, he politely refuses her bold choice of naming. Meanwhile, the teaser shows two making eye contact with a grin. The clip begins with her remarking, ŌĆ£Good afternoon, sir.ŌĆØ And he welcomes Lee Dam with a smile. It implies that for now, luckily, Shin goes by ŌĆ£sir.ŌĆØ The teaser shows their awkward and unexpected cohabitation, raising a big expectation. My Roommate Is Gumiho will air on May 26 at 10:30 PM KST. ┬Ā Source (1)

Hyeri and Jang Ki Yong s New TV Series  My Roommate Is Gumiho   Released Its Teaser - 51