Inspired by an actual Dutch organization, the drama revolves around a troubled young man named Yoon Gyeo Ree (played by Ji Chang Wook) who must perform community service at a hospice and finds himself fulfilling the residentsŌĆÖ final wishes.

The teaser begins with a narration from an old man, where he says, ŌĆ£My time is over now,ŌĆØ and the scene switches to Kang Tae Shik (Sung Dong Il), a volunteer team leader, and Seo Yeon Joo (Sooyoung), a hospice nurse, struggling to fulfill the last wishes of terminally ill cancer patients. Toward the end of the video, Yoon Gyeo Rae delivers a touching and meaningful line, saying, ŌĆ£Death is not the end of everything.ŌĆØ The production team commented, ŌĆ£The second teaser shows a glimpse of ŌĆśTeam GenieŌĆÖ fulfilling the final wishes of terminally ill patients. Stay tuned to see why ŌĆśTeam GenieŌĆÖ decided to help out the patients. It will definitely deliver a heartwarming and touching story to everyone.ŌĆØ If You Wish Upon on Me will premiere on August 10th. Source (1)