Hacker A, who recently leaked photos of BTSŌĆÖ V and Jennie, shared more photos via Telegram on the 20th. The photos released by A ranged from a photo of Jennie and V together at sea to a photo of them in matching shirts. There was even one picture of Jennie lying in her bathtub. The photo showed Jennie enjoying a bath with her hair tied up high. A claimed, ŌĆ£Too many pictures of these two have already been leaked to prevent more photos from being leaked. ItŌĆÖs too late. This is a picture of Jennie taking a bath. ThereŌĆÖs also one where sheŌĆÖs in matching shirts (with V).ŌĆØ Even when more photos are getting leaked, both labels (YG Entertainment and Big Hit) are taking no action, repeating that ŌĆ£itŌĆÖs the artistŌĆÖs privacy.ŌĆØ JennieŌĆÖs Korean fandom released a statement on the 23rd, demanding the agency to take action to protect their artist. Source (1)

It s Getting Out of Control   Photo of Jennie Enjoying a Bath Is Leaked This Time - 59