Based on the short film of the same name, Bargain (working title) is a thriller series that unfolds after a major earthquake hits a building where organ trafficking takes place. It depicts the struggle of people trying to survive the chaos disconnected from the outside world. Jin Seon Kyu takes on the role of Noh Hyung Soo, who gets caught up in an unexpected crisis while others were bargaining for his organs. Jeon Jong Seo will play Park Joo Young who puts anything up for auction. Lastly, Jang Ryul will play Go Guk Ryeol who will do anything to cut a deal.

The newly released trailer begins with Joo Young welcoming Hyung Soo as he enters a motel room. However, things suddenly go south as he wakes up tied to a bed with his body parts being priced for sale.Ā The auction begins as Joo Young says, ŌĆ£You havenŌĆÖt seen a civilian in a while, right?ŌĆØ The excited bidders say, ŌĆ£HeŌĆÖs so fresh and alive!,ŌĆØ while looking at him, hinting at the looming crisis. However, the story takes another unexpected turn as the building suddenly collapses with a roar. The tension rises as Hyung Soo clashes with Ko Guk Ryeol while Joo Young falls into an endless pit. Curiosity further rises as captions read , ŌĆ£A place where there is no humanity and lawsŌĆØ and ŌĆ£The madness explodes into full-blown violence.ŌĆØ Ransom premiers in October. Source: TVING

Jeon Jong Seo Transforms Into an Organ Trafficker in a New Thriller Series - 71