After being exposed to an online community as a perpetrator of school violence not once, but twice over the course of two days, the actor finally posted an apology letter on the 4th through his Instagram as he admitted his wrongdoings. At the same time as he admitted his past, the industry started deleting whatever they had left of Ji Soo. Over-the-top (OTT) platforms including TVING, wavve, and Naver TV removed any contents with Ji Soo in them, and also made his advertisement clip private. Whilst KBS 2TVŌĆÖs Mon-Tues series River Where the Moon Rises went through internal discussions and decided to cancel the dayŌĆÖs shoot, it has concluded for Ji Soo to drop out from OndalŌĆÖs role. The production team is said to be looking for an actor to replace him, as well as ways to make up for the bits he has already filmed for. Furthermore, brands that used Ji Soo as their models have also been erasing his presence. One fashion brand deleted Ji SooŌĆÖs ads on their social media. This is a brand Ji Soo worked with from back in 2017. A related official told SpoTV News that they have turned the ads private as soon as learning of his news. ŌĆ£We do not want the brand value to be damaged because of this unfortunate incident,ŌĆØ they said. This is the second incident a brand has kicked Ji Soo off their team, after an underwear brand. ┬Ā Source (1, 2, 3)

Ji Soo to Drop Out of His Drama and Magazine Shoots as Networks Delete His Contents - 74