Among series filled with absurd plot and explicit contents, Navillera captivates viewers with its mildness. Based on a webtoon of the same name, it illustrates a gentle yet touching journey of Shim Deok Chul, a man in his 70s who wishes to take off, as he learns ballet from a 23-year old Lee Chae Rok. Park In Hwan brings tears to our eyes with his every scene as Shim Deok Chul. Son Kang also blends well into the work by playing Chae Rok, as the two illustrate a teacher and studentŌĆÖs chemistry that transcends generations. The show also deals with what happens around the two characters apart from their passion for their dreams. It makes viewers realize what precious values they have been taking for granted, such as family. Already a favorite show for many, weŌĆÖll take a look at various elements of Navillera that makes us emotional. ┬Ā

The Story Between Generations that Chose Empathy Over Conflicts

The series unfolds each generationŌĆÖs concerns and harsh realities by introducing what the characters are going through. First, Shim Deok Chul metaphorically depicts the handicaps the older generation face in the current society. Though he spends leisurely days with his wife after his retirement, Shim Deok Chul feels uneasy with various problems. In particular, he carries the desire to go on stage after learning ballet before itŌĆÖs too late. However, this becomes a challenge as his children prioritize their reputation over their fatherŌĆÖs wish. The younger generationŌĆÖs difficulties thoroughly turn out through Chae Rok and Deol ChulŌĆÖs granddaughter, Eun Ho. Chae Rok has to focus more on his part-time jobs than what he enjoys, ballet. Eun Ho also puts through being mistreated as she works as an intern at a large company to become a full-time employee. These unfortunate instances resonate with viewers as they reflect the reality of our times. While pinpointing the elderly and the younger generationsŌĆÖ problems, the show does not stop with just presenting the real issues. They try to find further a solution and hope to surmount the ongoing hardships. Chaerok encouraged Deok Chul, who wanted to give up ballet due to his familyŌĆÖs opposition, to be confident. Deok Chul also gives Eun Ho sincere advice from his experience and age, as she fails to get a job. The characters prove the power of empathy and understanding amid an era in which inter-generational conflicts have emerged as a significant social issue. They make viewers more invested in the warm energy the show holds. ┬Ā

A Cheer for Anyone Who Dreams of Challenge

Above all, Navillera pulls at peopleŌĆÖs heartstrings as it truly cheers on those who challenge themselves to achieve their dreams. Realistically, concerns come before a round of applause when a man in his 70s claims he would like to have a go at learning ballet. We may disapprove of his aspiration with our judgments, saying things like ŌĆ£Think about your health,ŌĆØ or ŌĆ£ItŌĆÖs too late now.ŌĆØ Despite everything, Deok Chul remains unbothered and moves forward while saying, ŌĆ£You can look down on my skills, but donŌĆÖt underestimate the size of my dream.ŌĆØ These words mean not to dare to judge someoneŌĆÖs challenge with social norms. Playing Deok Chul, Park In Hwan brings life to the message. His delicate acting skills portray the character as he doesnŌĆÖt give up on ballet despite his familyŌĆÖs discouragements. It touches the viewersŌĆÖ hearts. He brings us to the realization of how precious and valuable feeling passionate for a dream is. Especially when he treats Chae Rok with respect as a teacher, no matter how much younger he is. Often, we get teary with only his appearance on the screen because he depicts the characterŌĆÖs emotions naturally in the show. Chae Rok also presents a meaningful message in the series. While he is talented, Chae Rok gets lost due to many reasons, including his fatherŌĆÖs release from jail. However, with Deok ChulŌĆÖs faith and support for him, he could focus on ballet once again. A memorable scene is when Deok Chul goes up to Ho Bum, who bullies Chae Rok because of their relationship in high school, and tells him, ŌĆ£Chae Rok is someone who will rise higher.ŌĆØ It is emotional and encouraging, as he is cheered on by people around him even when he is not sure of his potentials. We do not know yet whether Deok ChulŌĆÖs ultimate goal to dance on stage will be achieved. However, seeing him running towards his dream regardless of the results is somewhat touching. Perhaps this journey of Deok Chul is more than a simply heartwarming series. It could refresh the forgotten dreams of those who were busy living their harsh realities. Like the seriesŌĆÖ authentic message that says, ŌĆśEveryone has the moment in which they fly.ŌĆÖ ┬Ā

Verdict: The sincerity of the show that cheers on for everyone whoŌĆÖs running toward their dreams. (9/10)

┬Ā Editor Hwang Hong Sun: A Korean movie buff who wishes that the warm messages in good works will warm up this world at least by one degree Fahrenheit

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