On the morning of the 27th, the agency revealed its decision to part ways with Ji Soo. ŌĆ£We have terminated our exclusive contract with actor Ji Soo,ŌĆØ they wrote. ŌĆ£We came to a conclusion that it is currently difficult for Ji Soo to carry out his career,ŌĆØ they added. ŌĆ£And we finally decided to terminate the contract under the mutual agreement to respect the actorŌĆÖs intention not to cause further harm to the agency.ŌĆØ Regarding the ongoing lawsuit against River Where the Moon Rises production company, KeyEast shared, ŌĆ£We will do our best to reach an amicable settlement to the related lawsuit.ŌĆØ Last October, KeyEast and Ji Soo partnered up with an exclusive contract. However, the recent allegations of Ji SooŌĆÖs school violence seem to have played a major part in the contract termination. Since the actor got caught up in the school violence allegations in March, he dropped out of the production of River Where the Moon Rises. Though the actor personally apologized, Victory Contents sued the agency for 3.00 billion KRW (about $2.67 million) in financial damages. However, Victory Contents claimed that KeyEast is refusing to pay the compensation fees regarding the damages that Ji Soo caused. On the 26th, the company issued a statement, where they wrote, ŌĆ£KeyEast is claiming that Ji SooŌĆÖs departure from the drama was a one-sided decision from our production company and that therefore, they are not responsible for a breach of contract.ŌĆØ ┬Ā Source (1, 2, 3)