Kakao TVŌĆÖs first original fantasy series, Excellent Shaman Gadusim, unfolds when perfect guy Na Woo Soo starts to see an evil spirit. He meets a girl born with the fate of becoming a shaman against her will in a series of mysterious incidents. It is a 12-part series with about 20 minutes each episode. It will begin filming in May and be released on Kakao TV in the second half of this year. Kim Sae Ron plays Ga Du Sim, an 18-year-old high schooler who is destined to be a shaman who wants to live a normal life. Kim Sae Ron said, ŌĆ£It is a fantasy series that stimulates the imagination. I had much fun reading the script. I loved the character who rejected her destiny and tried to pursue the life she wanted.ŌĆØ Nam Da Reum plays Na Woo Soo, born to a wealthy family with attractive looks. He also has straight As in his class. As Ga Du Sim appears in his ordinary life, he starts to see evil spirits. Soon, gets involved in a bizarre incident. Nam Da Reum said, ŌĆ£I enjoyed reading the script, and I was drawn into Na Woo Sooo because he was so different from the characters I had played in the past.ŌĆØ He continued, ŌĆ£When I met the director, I grew more expectations and confidence in this series.ŌĆØ ┬Ā Source (1) Translator Kim: Welcome K-pop, K-drama, K-movie, K-culture fans. I hope you enjoy our news about K-entertainment.

Kim Sae Ron   Nam Da Reum Joins Kakao TV s Original    Excellent Shaman Gadusim    - 75