┬Ā Q1. How do you feel? I am grateful that we got to finish without a major accident, and I already miss it. I received so much love that I didnŌĆÖt deserve. I vowed to grow further to become an actress who could repay that love. Q2. How did you feel about the first filming of season 1 and the last filming of season 3? Both the first filming and the last filming didnŌĆÖt feel real. I had to film a crying scene from the first filming, and it wasnŌĆÖt easy to act the heightened emotions before building the characterŌĆÖs storytelling. The last shooting also felt unrealistic. Actually, it still doesnŌĆÖt feel like The Penthouse is still over (laughs). Q3. Are there any special moments you would like to remember? The scene where Soo Ryun was crying in the hospital room in season 1, playing a dual role as Soo Ryun and Ae Gyo, the scene where I say, ŌĆ£ItŌĆÖs you, the one who killed Seol Ah,ŌĆØ to Yoon Hee, the scene where Na Ae Gyo dies, etc. The scenes that became turning points in Soo RyunŌĆÖs life are particularly memorable. Q4. You also pulled off some intense action scenes. Which scene is the most memorable? The hospital action scene with Dan Tae is the most memorable. It was a very emotional scene, so the action was more intense than ever. It was a scene where the anger that consumed my body and the energy of wanting to kill Dan Tae were enormous. I was sick for two days after filming that. Q5. What did you focus on the most while playing a dual role? The first thing I did was think about the lives that Shim Soo Ryun and Na Ae Gyo had led. Na Ae GyoŌĆÖs eyes and actions, which have become rough and bold because of her complicated life, will be different from pure Shim Soo Ryun, who has received attention and love from many people throughout her life and has no antipathy towards the world. The second thing I did was ponder the different situations, positions, and emotions of these two characters. Na Ae Gyo admired and was jealous of Soo RyunŌĆÖs life, but she still trusted her. At first, Soo Ryun despised Ae Gyo for posing as her, but she wants to embrace her after seeing her pain. I tried to act by focusing on the different feelings they have for each other. Q6. How did Lee Ji Ah complete Shim Soo Ryun? Soo Ryun is a person who changes after going through many things. In season 1, I tried to express the soft, innocent, and strong inner side of Soo Ryun. Then in season 2, I tried to describe the strategist Soo Ryun, who appears equipped with a reckless side of Ae Gyo that Soo Ryun didnŌĆÖt have and takes thrilling revenge. In season 3, I tried to express the poisonous and dark Soo Ryun who became evil itself in order to punish evil. Q7. Last words to the viewers. Without the viewers, The Penthouse would have never been what it is now. It was what drove us until the very end. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. ┬Ā Source (1)

Lee Ji Ah Says She Can t Believe that  The Penthouse  Is Over - 92Lee Ji Ah Says She Can t Believe that  The Penthouse  Is Over - 93