Work Later, Drink Now tells the story of three women who love drinking alcohol, starring Lee Sun Bin, Jeong Eun Ji, and Han Sun Hwa. Lee Sun Bin played Ahn So Hee, a variety show writer, and impressed the viewers with her charms and acting skills. Her boyfriend ĀLee Kwang Soo turned out to be one of the many fans of her newest drama. ŌĆ£He watched the new episodes every week and told me that he enjoyed it a lot. He said he loved it. I think he actually really enjoyed it,ŌĆØ she shared. ŌĆ£IŌĆÖm a person who feels awkward when IŌĆÖm complimented, and I donŌĆÖt tend to show my worries to others. So IŌĆÖve never asked him for advice in acting. I do whatŌĆÖs on my plate by myself.ŌĆØ Lee Sun Bin was also suspected of copying Lee Kwang SooŌĆÖs mosquito dance in Work Later, Drink Now. ŌĆ£It wasnŌĆÖt the mosquito dance. I was trying to dance Lee Jung HyunŌĆÖs ŌĆśWa.ŌĆÖ WeŌĆÖve filmed that scene multiple times, and I just moved my body to the music,ŌĆØ she responded. She continued, ŌĆ£At some point, I even hung the bag around my neck and started swinging like I was doing a hula hoop. But only that dance was aired. Even to me, it looked like I was doing the mosquito dance. But IŌĆÖve never actually seen Lee Kwang Soo do that dance.ŌĆØ ┬Ā Source (1)