The thriller series follows a female shooting athlete named Chan Mi who sets out to uncover the truth about her twin brotherŌĆÖs suspicious death. Driven by a need to understand what happened, she partners up with another student named Su Heon, to exact revenge by proxy on those who bully others. The newly released poster features a pistol with a school building placed on top, grabbing viewersŌĆÖ attention with its subtle contrast.

The teaser begins with Ok Chan MiŌĆÖs twin brother Park Won Suk (played by Kang Yul) found dead on the ground of his school. Chan Mi (Shin Ye Eun) senses that her brother was murdered and immediately transfers to his school. The scene then switches to Chan Mi yelling through a loudspeaker, saying, ŌĆ£Listen, you murderer. I will find you no matter what.ŌĆØ Tension rises as she meets her advocate Su Heon (Lomon) at the school, who acts benevolent and suspicious at the same time. Revenge of Others will premiere on November 9th. Source: Disney Plus

Lomon and Shin Ye Eun s New Disney Plus Thriller Series Drops Its Suspenseful Poster and Trailer - 26