Based on a webtoon, the series revolves around Lee Dam (Hyeri), a 22-year-old college student, and a mysterious nine-tailed fox Shin Woo Yeo(Jang Ki Yong). In it, she begins to live with a 999-year-old fox, Shin Woo Yeo, after inadvertently swallowing his mysterious marble. Kkondae Intern director Nam Sung Wo, WhatŌĆÖs Wrong with Secretary Kim writers Baek Sun Woo, and Choi Bo Rim have come together for the project. Today, the character posters came out for the five main characters. What catches the attention are the numbers and hashtags stamped on the posters. Firstly, Shin Woo Yeo has ŌĆ£999 years old,ŌĆØ ŌĆ£#sweet nine-tailed foxŌĆØ and ŌĆ£#strict and seriousŌĆØ written on his poster. Secondly, Lee Dam is the ŌĆ£Generation Z,ŌĆØ born in 1999. And she is a person who speaks her mind and calls a spade a spade. Thirdly, Yang Hye SunŌĆÖs (Kang Hanna) poster includes a witty comment ŌĆ£turned around 360 degreesŌĆØ instead of the commonly used term ŌĆ£turned around 180 degrees.ŌĆØ This number signals YangŌĆÖs unexpected, quirky charms. Moreover, Do Jae Jin (Kim Do Wan) catches the eye with the keyword ŌĆ£12th.ŌĆØ When he falls in love, he gives it all. After his 12th breakup, Do meets Yang Hye Sun as his 13th girl. What fate awaits the lovers? Lastly, the number ŌĆ£23.1 millionŌĆØ represents the number of Kye Sun WooŌĆÖs (Bae In Hyuk) social media followers. Meanwhile, My Roommate Is a Gumiho will premiere on May 26th at 10:30 PM KST. ┬Ā Source (1) Translator Kim Hoyeun: If you are a fan of K-drama, K-movie, and K-pop, I am your guy. I will continue to provide you with up-to-date K-entertainment news. Ā

 My Roommate Is a Gumiho  What Do These Numbers on the Posters Mean  - 51 My Roommate Is a Gumiho  What Do These Numbers on the Posters Mean  - 51