Although the second season has not been aired yet, attention was drawn to whether there will be a third season since the series has gained huge popularity. In response, director Shin Won Ho said, ŌĆ£It was tough even to make the second season, so I donŌĆÖt have the plan for the third one yet. However, during the planning stage, I told the actors that there would be a chance to make the third season.ŌĆØ ŌĆ£IŌĆÖve had a rough idea of doing the series until the third season. However, IŌĆÖve recognized some of the limits since itŌĆÖs my first franchise series. Originally, I planned to do the same series for three years in a row, but instead of booking all the actors for next season, I asked the actors to make their own choices untill the production starts again. Therefore, we donŌĆÖt have any plans for the third season right now.ŌĆØ ┬Ā Source (1) Translator Kim Y.U: Welcome K-pop, K-drama, K-movie, K-culture fans. I hope you enjoy our news about K-entertainment.

No Plan For  Hospital Playlist 3  For Now  Says Director Shin Won Ho - 90No Plan For  Hospital Playlist 3  For Now  Says Director Shin Won Ho - 62