On April 8th, OnlyOneOf made a comeback with their new song ŌĆ£libidO.ŌĆØ Libido is defined with words like sexual instinct, sexual impulse, or sexual drive. The group artistically expressed it with props like ropes and dance moves that involve a lot of touching. On the day of their comeback, OnlyOneOf performed on MnetŌĆÖs M Countdown. Their performance included provocative dances, including tying a memberŌĆÖs hands behind his back and the crotch grab move. After the broadcast, this boy bandŌĆÖs stage was shared on an online community and gained nearly 2,000 comments. Some said their performance was ŌĆ£bold and daring,ŌĆØ while some expressed discomfort over their sexually suggestive dance moves. In response, OnlyOneOfŌĆÖs member Love told News1, ŌĆ£I knew there would be a different reaction than before. But it went viral than we ever imagined.ŌĆØ He explained their ŌĆ£libidOŌĆØ performance follows the theme of human instincts and impulses. ŌĆ£If you know our musicŌĆÖs storytelling that continued since our debut, the performance will be more meaningful and interesting than provocative.ŌĆØ Then whatŌĆÖs the meaning behind the ropes/lines used in the choreography? ŌĆ£We emphasized the theme of music using ropes. ItŌĆÖs also a device to let imaginations run wild,ŌĆØ Rie shared. ŌĆ£I hope you enjoy the overall expression rather than focusing on just one scene.ŌĆØ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOpuEwe8EBA&ab_channel=%EC%9D%8C%EC%9A%94 Source (1)

OnlyOneOf Asks People to Watch Their    libidO    Choreography as an Art - 2