According to media outlets, Park Bo Gum was practically discharged early on the 21st after he applied to use up all his remaining personal leaves before the actual discharge. To prevent the spread of the COVID, the soldiers are discharged without returning to the unit when using personal leave before discharge. As a result, Park Bo Gum will return to his fansŌĆÖ side two months earlier than the scheduled date (April 30th). According to the company, Park Bo Gum hoped to be discharged quietly without informing the outsiders. In 2020, Park Bo Gum got accepted to the navy band as a keyboardist and enlisted on August 31st. And ahead of his discharge on the 10th, he was chosen as the daily instructor in charge of ŌĆ£success story for exemplary leader soldiersŌĆØ for the new trainees of the Naval Education Command in Changwon. Source (1) ┬Ā

Park Bo Gum Takes Off His Military Uniform as of Today - 77