SeventeenŌĆÖs agency Pledis Entertainment released the official statement on March 21st. ŌĆ£We contacted the person who wrote that our artist had stood by and laughed as one of his middle school classmates was being assaulted,ŌĆØ they stated. ŌĆ£The writer wrote the post as if he were a witness to remain anonymous, but he was in fact the person directly involved in the incident.ŌĆØ The agency continued that no one remembered the incident that the writer claimed. And as a result, they decided to conclude the matter without taking further legal actions as all the facts have been revealed. Below is PledisŌĆÖs statement. ŌĆ£Hello, this is Pledis Entertainment. Below is additional information related to Seventeen member MingyuŌĆÖs school days. We contacted the person who wrote that our artist had stood by and laughed as one of his middle school classmates was assaulted. The writer wrote the post as if he were a witness to remain anonymous, but he was, in fact, the person directly involved in the incident. We listened to the posterŌĆÖs account of events and checked the facts with the people involved in the incident, along with testimonies submitted to the agency by the school graduates. First, the artist clearly stated that he had no memory of the incident described by the writer. He also stressed that he had never encouraged assault against another student by watching, laughing, and making derogatory comments. The writer specified the perpetrators, so we checked the testimony of the perpetrator and the graduates who were believed to have witnessed the scene at the time. In conclusion, no one recalled the incident that the writer claimed. So the writer personally contacted and checked with a friend he remembered was with him at the time of the incident. But the friend also failed to recall the event. In response, the writer contacted us to inform us that he would no longer mention the issue as no one seem to remember the incident. We are perplexed that this sort of claim was published online solely based on someoneŌĆÖs memories then concluded because of unclear memories. Fortunately, this and all previous incidents were proved to have no relation to our artist. Yet, it is troubling to think that many people have received both serious and minor scars from this kind of claim, as well as the time and effort required to respond. Nevertheless, during our discussions with the writer, it appeared that the writer had been scarred by abusive incidents that occurred during his student life, apart from the artist. So we decided to conclude the matter without taking further action as the facts were clearly revealed. We have wrapped up all discussions and contact with those who have been identified so far. We will inform you separately in the future if there is any additional information.ŌĆØ ┬Ā Source (1)