Victory Contents, the showŌĆÖs production company, announced that they sued KeyEast for partial damages on April 2nd. They also reiterated, ŌĆ£At the beginning of March, reports of Ji SooŌĆÖs school violence surfaced. These were not about simple arguments between students, but brutal acts that are ineffable.ŌĆØ The production firm added, ŌĆ£KeyEast and Ji Soo admitted to his misconduct and dropped out from River Where the Moon Rises, putting a brake on his career.ŌĆØ Furthermore, they added, ŌĆ£River Where the Moon Rises was pre-produced. So we almost finished the filming at that time. However, as the actor dropped out, we had no choice but to reshoot the scenes. The show had a huge amount of production cost input. On top of that, re-filming required additional costs, so the loss was significant. Despite everything, we decided to retake all the scenes to keep our promise to give viewers a complete work.ŌĆØ The company further stated, ŌĆ£The scandal caused financial damage to staff, venue and equipment, appearance, and art. We anticipate further issues such as a drop in viewer ratings, raising overseas customer claims, reducing expected sales, and dropping the companyŌĆÖs reputation.ŌĆØ ŌĆ£Though we tried to work it out with KeyEast on recovering such damages, they did not cooperate. Thus, we decided to take legal action,ŌĆØ they claimed. An individual made school violence allegations against Ji Soo earlier in March. The lead actor for River Where the Moon Rises then admitted and apologized for his doings. Consequently, he dropped out of the show, and Na In Woo replaced his place. Na In Woo also reshot episodes from one through to six.

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