The title song ŌĆ£What Do I Call YouŌĆØ is an R&B pop featuring minimal and rhythmical melodies, and Taeyeon sings calmly and inattentively about the feelings she still feels about after a breakup. ŌĆ£To the Moon,ŌĆØ which she participated in writing the lyrics and composing, is also included in the album. This is the first time Taeyeon took part in writing the lyrics and tracks since her debut song ŌĆ£I,ŌĆØ released in 2015. ŌĆ£To the MoonŌĆØ is a song that highlights a soft yet simple beat with her ŌĆ£throwaway styleŌĆØ singing. Taeyeon reveals her feelings about her comeback through her agency SM Entertainment. Q1. How do you feel about releasing a new album? IŌĆÖm happy to gift a new song to my fans. I think this album includes songs that well suit the end of 2020, so I hope many people listen to them. ┬Ā Q2. What did you focus on the most? I tried not to overdo things. I donŌĆÖt really feel that way these days, and in all, I wasnŌĆÖt really attracted to the bouncy sounds.

Q3. WhatŌĆÖs the charm of your new title track, ŌĆ£What Do I Call You?ŌĆØ A drop of ŌĆ£being hipŌĆØ has been added to a cool and placid vibe. ┬Ā Q4. Your favorite track from the album? The title track ŌĆ£What Do I Call You.ŌĆØ Usually, I liked the songs in the album more than the title songs, but this time, I just fell in love with the title track as soon as I heard it. Aside from the lyrics, the melody and mood are so my style. Q5. You participated in writing and composing ŌĆ£To the Moon.ŌĆØ Where did you get the inspiration? I melted my daily life into the song. I really wanted to talk about Zero, my best friend and my dog, and youŌĆÖll know when you hear the lyrics. ┬Ā Q6. The key point of the new music video? I expressed the thoughts that come before and after the breakup with various stylings. A panda appears as my boyfriend, but IŌĆÖve never seen his face. IŌĆÖd like to say thank you to the model who wore the mask the entire time. ┬Ā Q7. Of all the activities you did this year, what is the most memorable event? I think joining DoReMi Market is certainly the most surprising (?) issue for me. ItŌĆÖs been such a long time I became a regular member of an entertainment show, and I think this is also an excellent opportunity for me to hang out with people through guests, fellow cast and the staff. ┬Ā Q8. Last words to your fans. I want you to hear what voice Taeyeon made and what images she expressed through the songs in the eventful year of 2020. Always stay healthy! ┬Ā Source (1)

Taeyeon Introduces  What Do I Call You  as a Cool   Hip Song - 62Taeyeon Introduces  What Do I Call You  as a Cool   Hip Song - 50Taeyeon Introduces  What Do I Call You  as a Cool   Hip Song - 28