1. Lee Je Hoon

Lee Je Hoon revealed that he wants to pick every car chase scene that Kim Do Gi was involved in as his most memorable scene. ŌĆ£It was very thrilling, especially when cars flipped over. It captured the quintessence of vehicle stunts, and it was very exhilarating for me as a viewer. He also shared that Wang Min HoŌĆÖs words to prosecutor Kang Ha Na were the most unforgettable line in the series. ŌĆ£Thank you for everything you do for the people in need, for people like Seo Young Min. I respect you. I hope you stay in this organization for as long as possible. DonŌĆÖt chase the money, donŌĆÖt go anywhere else and hold out. In order to stay in this organization, donŌĆÖt let yourself break down. Winds easily break bamboos because they are so straight and stiff. But grass keeps rising again no matter how hard the wind blows. Act like bamboo, but be resilient like grass. DonŌĆÖt let anyone break you and hang in there.ŌĆØ ┬Ā

2. Esom

EsomŌĆÖs choice was in episode 12, the scene where Kang Ha Na asks Kim Do Gi to take her revenge. ŌĆ£That was the scene where Kang Ha Na changes her mind about serving the justice only within the lawŌĆÖs boundary. In the scene, Kang Ha Na, who was traumatized by the loss of her colleague, chooses to take Kim Do GiŌĆÖs ways, which are significantly different from hers. You can also see how she changed in that scene. It was the showŌĆÖs turning point. The two people, who were the opposites of each other, suddenly starts to aim the same goal,ŌĆØ she explained. ┬Ā

3. Pyo Ye Jin

Pyo Ye Jin shared that her most memorable scene is when UdataŌĆÖs mine got exploded. ŌĆ£To Go Eun, the explosion of the mine was a final farewell to her older sister. That made me very sad even when I was shooting the scene. I was very satisfied with it when I was watching the scene on TV. The editing and music facilitated capturing the emotions and the end of the big incident. It was a satisfying yet a very touching scene.ŌĆØ She picked ŌĆ£5283 starts operatingŌĆØ as her most memorable line. ŌĆ£Whenever Kim Do Gi says this, I get excited, and my heart starts beating fast. ThatŌĆÖs why itŌĆÖs the most memorable to me. I want to keep hearing it,ŌĆØ she said. ┬Ā

4. Cha Ji Yeon

Cha Ji YeonŌĆÖs most memorable scene and line were in the latter part of episode 12. ŌĆ£The most unforgettable moment was when Big mama smiled in a car after fooling Rainbow Transport Team, pretending to have been backstabbed by secretary Goo. Plus, when she said to CEO Lee, ŌĆ£I planned it all,ŌĆØ it made me feel like she became the biggest villain on Taxi Driver. It was so thrilling,ŌĆØ she said. ┬Ā Source (1) Translator Na Young Gil: ZAPZEE is the best Korean pop culture community, and IŌĆÖm happy to be part of it.

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