Previously on January 17th, FreeZia issued a public apology for wearing fake designer clothes on the Netflix show and in the videos on her Youtube channel. However, more accusations have been made against the Youtuber, with an extensive list of all the fake items she was seen wearing. As she had posted many fashion reviews where she claims to have bought the items herself, the controversy is likely to grow. Some pointed out that the Chanel scarf she wore during its fashion haul video had different quilting arrangements and did not have a proper brand tag. Another review clip was also put under fire as the Chanel slippers had a different logo design compared to its original product. People argued that the color of the inner fabric was different from the authentic product as well.

Additionally, the Youtuber was accused of wearing a set of fake Versace bikinis in NetflixŌĆÖs SingleŌĆÖs Inferno. Other allegedly fake designer items that she wore include Off-White t-shirt, Yves Saint Laurent dress, Fendi clothes, phone cases from Dior, Chanel and Louis Vuitton, Louis Vuitton t-shirt, and Chanel socks. Meanwhile, FreeZia stated that she would appear on JTBCŌĆÖs Knowing Bros and MBCŌĆÖs Omniscient Interfering View as scheduled. Source (1, 2) ┬Ā

The Fall of Single s Inferno Star  More Fake Items FreeZia Wore Have Been Discovered - 98The Fall of Single s Inferno Star  More Fake Items FreeZia Wore Have Been Discovered - 46