According to YTN star, the show will wrap shooting on the 12th. Though River Where the Moon Rises had its ups and downs, the crew and actors tried their best to bring the show to a successful end. The 20-episode series faced a crisis of having to re-film with their new actor Na In Woo. It seemed impossible due to the 20 billion won that went into producing the historical series. However, the production team immediately went into shooting with the replaced actor. They also reshot the first to sixth episodes in which Ji Soo appeared to overcome the controversy. Afterward, when the viewers pointed out Chinese charactersŌĆÖ incorrect use, they quickly acknowledged their mistake. The fast response caught the publicŌĆÖs attention. Like so, River Where the Moon Rises gained positive reviews from viewers despite the various incidents and controversies. It succeeded in being exported to 190 different countries. Furthermore, the work has also entered the 49th International Emmy Awards. The final episode of River Where the Moon Rises will be aired on the 20th. ┬Ā Source (1)