In the recent episode of SBSŌĆÖs Running Man, which aired on August 2, Jessi, Solar, Lee Youngji, and Jeon So Mi appeared as guests. Under the concept of graduating the younger sisters, each team collected academic scores, which are team scores, and the guests who played the younger sister collected individual scores to compete. Solar teamed up with Song Ji Hyo and Jeon So Mi. In the end, the team won the final round with the top academic scores. However, Solar finished third in the individual score, failing to win the prize given to the top 2.
During the episode, Song Ji Hyo was seen checking out the soundbar prepared as the prize, and there was a reason. After the broadcast, Solar posted a picture and a message on her YouTube community channel. She wrote, ŌĆ£Ji Hyo sent me a present. She felt bad so she sent me the soundbar through my label,ŌĆØ and shared a picture of herself posing with the gift. Because Song Ji Hyo felt bad that Solar didnŌĆÖt receive the prize, she bought the same product with her own expense and sent it to Solar as a present. Solar added, ŌĆ£IŌĆÖm sorry and grateful. It was a great memory. It was so fun and amazing to meet a great unnie as a teammate.ŌĆØ The post garnered more than 4.8 million likes and received great attention. It also spread to other communities, drawing attention as the beautiful story of Song Ji Hyo. Upon hearing the story, netizens responded by saying, ŌĆ£Ji Hyo is really cool,ŌĆØ ŌĆ£IŌĆÖm totally moved,ŌĆØ ŌĆ£This is why people love her,ŌĆØ and ŌĆ£I want to see the two appear together next time.ŌĆØ Source (1)