One Dollar Lawyer revolves around a genius lawyer named Cheon Ji Hoon, who comes to the rescue of clients without money or connections. The series garnered huge attention even before its premiere with┬ĀNamkoong Min as its centerpiece, and its first episode became the most-watched premiere episode of any mini-series aired this year. Plus, its fifth episode scored an average nationwide rating of 14.9 percent on its third week of broadcast, making the series the second most-watched mini-series of 2022.┬Ā The show is also going strong on various online platforms, ranking first in the domestic drama category on both Disney Plus and Wavve, according to the data collected up until October 12th. Its short clips are currently all the rage online, surpassing a total of 25 million views on video-based platforms like YouTube, Naver and Kakao. There are many reasons for its popularity: the chemistry between the main and supporting characters, the satisfying revenge plot and the unexpected twist and turns. The sixth episode also left many viewers on the edge of their seats as the story about Attorney CheonŌĆÖs past unraveled. Now, all eyes are on whether or not the series will continue its popularity throughout its run. Source (1)

What Makes    One Dollar Lawyer  So Popular  - 95