MBCŌĆÖs new Friday-Saturday drama The Golden Spoon tells the story about a child who was born into a poor family. Soon, he gets his hands on a magical golden spoon that allows him to switch lives with his rich friend. The show is based on the popular webtoon of the same name. Yoon Sungjae takes on the role of Lee Seung Chun, a student who dreams of turning his life around with a golden spoon. Attending the school that only the kids of the top 0.01% go to, he experiences the bitterness of hierarchy. But after meeting an old woman who sells goods on the street, he finds himself at the crossroads where he can choose his life. And with the choice that he makes, his life changes completely. The released stills capture the two very different lives of Lee Seung Chun. In one photo, heŌĆÖs working part-time at a convenience store, but after heŌĆÖs seen grabbing the magical golden spoon, heŌĆÖs dining in a fine restaurant, all decked out. The production team shared, ŌĆ£Yook Sungjae has a special power that draws people in. Based on that charm, heŌĆÖll be densely portraying the character Lee Seung Chun. What heŌĆÖll do to escape the life of a ŌĆśdirt spoonŌĆÖ and how he struggles after making a choice? Please look forward to it.ŌĆØ Meanwhile, The Golden Spoon will premiere in the September. Source (1)

Yook Sungjae Lives a Completely Different Life After Finding a Magical Spoon in  The Golden Spoon  - 71Yook Sungjae Lives a Completely Different Life After Finding a Magical Spoon in  The Golden Spoon  - 51