Led by Yoon Hyung Bin himself, the Yoon So Group announced that the rumor is groundless and the company will file additional charges for defamation and spreading false information. On this day, along with the title ŌĆ£I am accusing the comedian Yoon Hyung Bin,ŌĆØ a post was made in an online community claiming that Yoon Hyung Bin condoned bullying in his small theatre in Busan. The original poster (OP) alleged that people from the place verbally abused and assaulted him and made him do chores though he joined Yoon Hyung BinŌĆÖs theatre to learn acting with the dream of being a comedian. He claimed to have been told by Yoon Hyung Bin that he needs to ŌĆ£endure through itŌĆØ and that the harassment is because the OP ŌĆ£didnŌĆÖt listen to them.ŌĆØ He also attached a photo of his medical certificate to show that he has been suffering from hearing loss, panic disorder, and schizophrenia to this date. Yoon Hyung Bin explained that the OP has threatened to spread false information online several times and that he has previously filed a complaint to the Busan Police station for them. Additionally, Yoon Hyung Bin plans to take strong legal actions against speculative articles and online comments that spread further misinformation. ┬Ā Source (1)